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About Us

our mission

Seeker Springs is a Christ-centered ministry, set apart in God's creation to provide life-changing opportunities for people to 

SEEK God and SERVE others.

our vision

We envision a world where children grow up in homes full of love, where their physical, emotional, spiritual, and social needs are met. These families will teach commitment to one another, as well as care and compassion for others. If one or more family members have an experience that leads them to an encounter with God, it can change the direction of their lives and their family for generations to come.​ We seek to be used by God to create those experiences.

peacful camp retreat facility

Our Story

In 1996 Terry Slawson was serving as a youth minister when he began to feel God was calling him to a different ministry. He saw a need to go deeper into the lives of those he served, and minister not just to youth, but also their families. On Sept. 10, 1996, after seeking the Lord, he realized that the Lord was calling him to begin a ministry at the former Okaloosa Baptist Encampment. He shared this revelation with his family and several people at the church where he was serving and there was confirmation after confirmation that this was the right direction. The Northeast Baptist Association owned the property at the time but wanted to sell it to a church or a group of churches so that ministry could be rekindled after being shut down for several years. Many people in the community caught the vision and gave generously to purchase the property and in January 1997 the property was purchased and dedicated to the Lord. 


The name Seeker Springs comes from Isaiah 55:1 & 6, “Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters. Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is still near.” It is named Seeker Springs "Ministry" because it was believed that the Lord would use it for more than a rental facility. Since the beginning this has proven true and Seeker Springs has continued to strive to use the tools God has given us to meet the needs of our community. 

Meet The Team

Statement of Faith

We believe the following statements and base our ministry around these biblical truths. We accept those areas of doctrinal teaching on which, historically, most true Christians agree. We desire to allow for freedom of conviction on other doctrinal matters, provided that any interpretation is based upon the Bible alone and that no such interpretation shall become an issue that hinders the ministry to which God has called us.

1280 Okaloosa Road, Eros, LA 71238


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